A one-on-one D&D adventure that starts with the character choosing from three dragon eggs of different colors. After they pick, their douchey elf rival—or any other longer-lived ancestry—takes an egg and challenges them to a duel in 100 years' time, when their dragons are older.
— Justice Ramin Arman
PAX Unplugged (@justicearman) December 7, 2021
A Pokemon-themed campaign would actually not be that hard in 5e!
You already have CR, which is sort of like Pokemon levels, and the summoning rules from Tasha's and Fizban's are pretty dang smooth; they could serve as a guide for leveling up your companion.
— Justice Ramin Arman
PAX Unplugged (@justicearman) December 7, 2021
“I’m Sage Oak, a Monster expert! This world is full of many wonderful monsters and creatures. It is my dream to help young adventurers like yourself travel the world and meet all sorts of monsters!” Sage oak is definitely a treant.
— Justice Ramin Arman
PAX Unplugged (@justicearman) December 7, 2021
At 10 years old, you are brought before the ancient, wise, Treant and pick your first Monster egg. The villagers watch in both awe and horror as your sobbing parents give you a backpack and you head out into the long grass… You cannot return until all ten Guilds recognise you. Okay but like can we actually do this
— Justice Ramin Arman
PAX Unplugged (@justicearman) December 7, 2021
Yes. You could like have guest DMs be the gym leaders, and each badge collected levels up your monster!
— Justice Ramin Arman
PAX Unplugged (@justicearman) December 7, 2021
Holy crap, other GMs as gym/guild leaders is genius.
Maybe badges let you unlock LEGENDARY actions/resistances for your monster?
— Mark "Sherlock" Hulmes (@sherlock_hulmes) December 7, 2021